Chamber takes the lead to revitalise Marrickville CBD

Chamber takes the lead to revitalise Marrickville CBD

Morris Hanna, President Marrickville Chamber of Commerce has announced that the Chamber will initiate a promotional campaign to actively promote the business establishments within Marrickville CBD.

The promotional campaign will seek to drive interest and potential customers for the retail stores, cafes, restaurants, entertainment venues and other business services within Marrickville CBD.

The Chamber will actively use online and social media sites to rebuild interest in Marrickville CBD as a destination suburb in the Inner West of Sydney.

A new Facebook Marrickville CBD community business page has been set-up. Additional online event calendars and a community blog will be used to engage with the businesses and interested public.

The plan will include a series of workshops and seminars to further develop the expertise and capabilities across the businesses in the area to harness the power of the business community in working together to revitalize Marrickville CBD.


Marrickville Chamber of Commerce represents the increasingly diverse range of businesses and community groups in the Marrickville area. Marrickville Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organisation that has been serving Marrickville and its community for over 30 years, providing an independent voice on behalf of business owners, charity groups and the wider community. The Chamber is dedicated to creating opportunities to bring more people to our area and to support sustainable growth for businesses.

For more information on the Media Release:

Susan Campbell

Marrickville Chamber of Commerce

02 9572 6287

For more information on Marrickville Chamber of Commerce: